2025賞螢季 活動 2/28前公告,並開放報名
------------------------------- 2/28~3/2 連續假期活動 桃米魚蝦探索體驗,(2/28,14:00);(3/1,10:00、14:00);(3/2,10:00) 夜間賞蛙,(2/28,19:20);(3/1,19:20) ------------------------------- 2025、1~2月份,請參考以下方案(包含過年期間) ●輕易成團、自已一團:(可自選時段、日期) ◎桃米魚蝦探索體驗 (1)8人以上團體預約(須超過最低消費1500元/團) (2)未滿8人支付最低消費1500元/團 ◎夜間賞蛙 (1)10人以上團體預約(須超過最低消費1500元/團) (2)未滿10人支付最低消費1500元/團 ◎桃米生態村導覽/暨南大學生態導覽: (1)付費人數滿10人成團(生態村導覽120元/人、暨大生態導覽150元/人),可自選時段 (2)未滿10人,支付低消(生態村導覽1200元/團、暨大生態導覽1500元/團) ◎百香果鳳梨果醬DIY:付費滿6份成團(280元/份) ◎黃金青蛙粿DIY:付費滿15份成團(150元/份) ---------------------------- ※加購超級特惠(需有報名桃米任一體驗,就可加購) 1.妮娜巧克力夢想城堡:一般票170元/人(原價220),國小以下160元/人(同現場價) ---------------------------- 預約方式:(任一方式均可) LINE ID:@taomi 電話:049-2911591、0933-157216 FB訊息:桃米休閒農業區 點我報名 (官網) ---------------------------- ●民宿媒合預訂服務 民宿預訂服務優點: 1.直接探索桃米46家合法民宿的空房(點我填表) 2.減少移動,就近體驗桃米生態/農業/紙教堂/妮娜巧克力夢想城堡等活動 3.留下資訊,讓符合您需求的讓民宿來找您,省下您寶貴的時間。 --------------------------------- 桃米休閒農業區位為埔里鎮桃米里,區內有桃米坑溪及其五條支流貫穿其間,依山傍水、綠意盎然,孕育著豐富美麗的生態資源與純樸農村樣貌。921震後,區內民眾攜手重建,我們結合地方生態、農業資源與觀光產業,打造國內最具特色魅力的休閒農業區(桃米生態村)。除了擁有豐富的生態資源外,目前桃米逐漸邁向文化藝術空間、休閒農業體驗旅遊等三方面同步發展。透過在地業者及解說員的引導與暨南大學觀餐系的輔導下,讓桃米休閒農業區內的體驗旅遊更為豐富又精彩,成為農村再造典範。 |
Taomi Agricultural Leisure Area is located in Taomi village, Puli town, where Taomi Keng creek and its five branches flow across. Furthermore, as it is close to mountains and surrounded by rivers, it boasts its vitality, its abundant and beautiful ecological resources and simple rural features.
After the 921 earthquake, the people of Taomi rebuilt the place together. We combine the local ecological environment and agricultural resources with tourism to create an agricultural leisure area with the most unique features. Apart from the abundant ecological resources, at present, Taomi village gradually pays equal attention to developing arts, culture, and leisure agriculture. Under the guidance of the practitioners and guides, and the assistance of Department of Hospitality Management of Chi-Nan University, the experience-based tourism in the Taomi agricultural leisure area becomes more extensive and wonderful, and becomes a model for rural reconstruction. |
◆ 自行開車建議
北上或南下均同:國道3號214k接國道6號,國道6號29k下愛蘭交流道,往日月潭方向行駛,於台21線51k右轉(全家便利商店),即抵達桃米休閒農業區。 To go north or south follows the same way: 214k of the National Highway 3 then go National Highway 6,29k of the National Highway 6, then come out through the AiLan interchange,drive towards the Sun Moon Lake, turn right at the 51k of the Tai 21 line (FamilyMart), then you will arrive the Taomi Agricultural Leisure Area. |
◆ 大眾交通工具建議
由埔里、台中或台北乘坐往『日月潭』行駛之公車,於『桃米坑站』下車,即抵達桃米休閒農業區。 take the bus towards the “Sun Moon Lake” from Puli, Taichung or Taipei, and get off at the “Taomi Keng Station”, then you will arrive the Taomi Agricultural Leisure Area. |